if to everything to do with advertising we add “vertising” like “hackvertising” or “drone-vertising” then why shouldn't my arm be called Arm-vertising.

I am fortunate to work in what I love and that makes me very proud.

As the tattoo on my arm says, “having a title as a creative makes people expect a lot from you, but among so many other things, it means dealing with a head that won't stop, going from one day feeling like you're a fraud to the next that you're great”.

That's why I started a project that fills me with pride, because it makes clear the effort that a great idea deserves and the madness that goes with it. The idea is to cover my arm with recognitions and advertising awards throughout my career. An irreverent way to motivate myself to achieve more recognition within the industry and honor this exciting profession in which I had to develop.

Besides, if soccer players can get tattoos of the cups they win, why can't we?