BONDI FLY / This campaign is a clear example of how to take something that was happening in the country in relation to the increases and particularly that of the "bondis" to connect it with a brand request: to make noise and sell tickets on Hot Sale dates without being an official brand of it.

Brand: Flybondi / Media: Outdoor and Social Media / Agency: HOY BUE by Havas /  DGC: María Lujan Donaire Head of Craft & Innovation: Hernán Damilano DC: Santiago Ledesma / Damian Palopoli  Copywriter: Jack Fonseca Art Director: Jonathan Mogollón Editor: Melina Gennaro Published: Mayo 2023


LaNación / Cronista / Produ / LatinSpots / InsiderLatam / Airways / DiarioUno / AviaciónEnArgentina / TotalMedios / SirChandler / Redacción / RíoNegro / PortalPublicitario / RadioMitre / Urgente24 / EconomicasBariloche / / SieteMarca /


**ALL YOU NEED IS ECUADOR** / The first Ecuadorian Ad campaign published in the halftime of the Super Bowl. The objective of this campaign was to promote Ecuador as no other country in the world, because there you can enjoy the most beautiful volcanoes in the Andes Region, the exuberant and infinite wild life of the Amazon Region, miles of always sunny beaches, and the living reflection of evolution in the Galapagos Islands... All in one place, so close.

Brand: MINISTERIO DE TURISMO DEL ECUADOR / Media: Integrated Campaign / Agency: UMA creativa & Koening and Partners Ecuador / DGC: William Franco / Copywriter: Andrés Caicedo / Jack Fonseca / Art Director: Fernando Cedillo / Tyrone Estrella / Produced by: Vertigo Films / Published: September 2014


ReasonWhy / LatinSpots / CNN travel / Fox News / Telesur / America Economía


PHILIPS, the leading retail brand in home appliances asked us for an emotional campaign to sell razors on Father's Day and this is the result.

Advertised Brand: PHILIPS ARGENTINA / Media: Digital film / Advertising Agency: WundermanThompson Buenos Aires / DGC: Sebastián Tarazaga y Dany Minake / DC: Ernesto Castaldini / Fernando Rossini / Copywriter: Jack Fonseca / Art Director: Jose Maria de la Quintana / Published: Junio 2019.


"One letter" / On the historic day that commemorates the first SMS sent in history; and with the aim of raising awareness about the danger and accidents that can be generated by chatting while driving, MG Mexico launches the "One letter" campaign.

Brand: MG MÉXICO / Media: Print / Agency: HOY by HAVAS México y Buenos Aires / Chief Creative Officer Regional (HOY Latam): Tony Waissmann / CCO MÉXICO: Jairo Lezaca / DC: Damián Palopoli, Santiago Ledesma (AR) y Diego Servin (MX) / Copywriter: Jack Fonseca (AR) Diego Servin (MX) / Art Direction: David Nuñez (AR), Ramón Sánchez (MX) / 3D: David Nuñez / Published: Enero, 2022.

Press: / / / / / / / / / / / /

PRIDE SLOGAN / In Argentina, the LGBTIQ+ Pride march is celebrated every November 6 and this year, Flybondi, the airline that offers low-cost domestic flights so that all Argentines can experience "The Freedom to Fly" joined the celebration by turning its slogan into an empowering message with this beautiful campaign.

Brand: Flybondi Media: Press Print Agency: HOY BUE by Havas CCO Latam: Tony Waissmann DC: Damián Palopoli / Santiago Ledesma  Copywriter: Jack Fonseca Art Director: David Nuñez Retoucher: David Nuñez Published: 6 de nov 2021 (LGBTIQ+ PRIDE)


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